**** SNOW ****
All Videos Available
Monday, January 4
at 8:00 a.m.
Symmetrical Snowflakes & Marshmallow Snow Forts
Wintry Snowflake Painting
Snow Hydrology
Snow Rhythms
Snowy Writing
Snow Mindfulness
Supply List
Wintry Snowflake Painting
Create a unique art piece by painting a background and adding your own paper snowflake.
- White Construction or Painting Paper (2 sheets)
- Paint
- Paint Brush
- Scissors
- Glue
- Pencil
Symmetrical Snowflakes & Marshmallow Snow Forts
Have “snow” much fun with geometry! Learn about 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes with pretend snowflakes and snowballs.
- Q Tips
- Scissors
- Mini Marshmallows
- Toothpicks
- Glue (optional)
- Construction Paper (optional)
Snow Rhythms
Snow Hydrology
Try these simple experiments at home in your snowy yard!
- Black Paper
- Measuring Cups
- Pencil
- Paper
Snow Mindfulness
Join Jayme for fun breathing and mindfulness activities, including how to be a Feather Ninja and more.
- Feather
Snowy Writing
Join Jamie for one of her favorite snowy inspiration books and then have some snowy writing fun!
- Writing Supplies: Pencil & Paper, or Laptop/Tablet
*Worksheets & Templates
Some of the lessons use worksheets or templates. You can print them all using this one file. If you do not have a printer you can either call your library for details on how to pick up a packet, or you can use blank paper to create you own.