WiLS is working with Arrowhead Library System and Lakeshores Library System to develop an inclusive, transparent, well-researched, and empathetic system merger exploration. WiLS comes to this work with the sincere wish to facilitate a process that will allow stakeholders to feel confident in whatever the outcomes of the Committee might be. No decisions on outcomes have been made and check points are built in at the end of each phase for the Committee to determine if the process should proceed.
The Committee met for the first on December 15, 2021 to get to know each other, share what each member hopes to accomplish, and start to make decisions about process foundations.
Two key documents will help guide the committee’s work. First, there is a communication plan. It notes the main methods of communication the Committee will use to keep stakeholders informed as well as the ways that you can share your feedback, questions, and ideas. You will also find an overview of the process. The Committee views both of these documents as living and they will likely be updated to reflect what we learn through the process as well as the changing needs of the Committee and stakeholders.
Websites You May Wish to Bookmark
Arrowhead Library System Committee Members:
- Steve Platteter (ALS Director)
- Adam Dinnes (ALS Board President/Hedberg Public Library Board Vice President)
- Bill Wilson (ALS Board/Rock County Supervisor)
- Bryan McCormick (ALS/Hedberg Public Library Director)
- Kirsten Almo (ALS/Edgerton Public Library Director)
Lakeshores Library System Committee Members:
- Steve Ohs (LLS Director)
- Lauri Kant-Hull (LLS Board President/ Walworth County Trustee)
- Gary Tilleros (LLS Board Treasurer/Racine County Trustee)
- Angie Zimmerman (LLS/Racine Public Library Director)
- Joyce Schnupp (LLS/Barrett Memorial Library Director)
What You Need to Know
- Transparency and open communication are valued in this process. All information regarding the committee and the exploration process can be found at the merger committee’s blog and the merger Google Drive.
- Questions? Feel free to reach out to your system director or email the committee at:
als-llsjointcommittee@wils.org (this address may not be active yet.) - All meetings follow Open Meeting protocol. You are welcome to attend and share your public comment.
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