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Each library offers a unique variety of tools to help you learn new skills, solve problems, and achieve your goals. The system also provides a handful of tools available at every library – see the list below. Use our online tools for test prep, research, language learning, auto repair, stock/investment information, genealogy, business, and more. 

Be sure to ask a librarian which helpful tools and subscriptions your library offers!

What is a database?

The Library uses the term ‘database’ to describe a collection of information that is organized so that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated – usually a searchable online resource.

The content is often proprietary and cannot be found using standard Internet search engines. Therefore, the library usually must purchase a subscription to each database.

It’s worth the cost and any additional steps to use because databases provide reliable information from trusted sources and can save you time by eliminating the need to vet independent sources.

More Resources at Your Library

Visit your library’s website to see what they offer.

If you do not hold a library card at the library offering a specific resource you need, visit that library in person.

Links to library resources:


Here’s a sampling (not a complete list) of database subscriptions purchased by individual libraries in Rock County. The information you need is out there, call your library to find out how to access it.

  • A to Z Databases
  • All Data
  • Ancestry | Library Edition
  • Antiques Reference
  • Consumer Health Complete
  • Heritage Quest Online
  • Local History Databases
  • Mango Languages
  • MorningStar
  • NicheAcademy
  • Procitizen
  • Pronunciator
  • Reference USA
  • Small Engine Repair Reference Center
  • Tumble Books Library
  • Valueline
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