Monthly Memo Newsletter | May 2021
Monthly Circulation Statistics
Total Circulations in April 2021
- Traditional: 66,161 82%
- OverDrive/Libby: 10,427 13%
- Hoopla Digital: 4,057 5%
All Library Staff Encouraged to Attend: LAWDS Training

Southwest Connections: Local Workforce Development and Public Libraries
Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 1:00 PM
Public library staff are invited to a “Meet and Greet” session led by Southwest Wisconsin Workforce Development Board (SWWDB) and the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD). Representatives from SWWDB and DWD will provide an overview of the workforce development system in Wisconsin, and information on programs, services, and support available to job seekers in your communities. Meet job service partners and make connections to local sources of support.The focus will be on sharing and learning about the skills and resources WDBs can offer to public libraries and the communities they serve.
This session is the first of four different training opportunities (modules) public library staff will be offered. Any member of the library community who is unable to participate in LAWDS training sessions live or online will be able to access archived recordings or slide decks on the concepts and resources discussed. Dates for modules 2-4 have not been scheduled at this time.
This training opportunity is part of the LAWDS Project and was funded in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Please see the LAWDS Project website for additional training information and resources
Additional Recommended Trainings
LAWDS Training Module 1: Local Workforce Development and Public Libraries
LAWDS Training Module 2: Job Center of Wisconsin
LAWDS Training Module 3: Unemployment Insurance
LAWDS Training Module 4: Labor Market Information
Who should attend?
All public library staff who may be asked to provide assistance to patrons who are job seeking.
What is LAWDS?
The Libraries Activating Workforce Development Skills (LAWDS) project brings together public library staff with the staff of regional Workforce Development Boards (WDB), and Wisconsin Job Centers, to facilitate more seamless support of job-seeking patrons, business owners, and entrepreneurs.
What else is coming?
There will be a statewide digital marketing campaign late summer or fall encouraging Wisconsin job seekers to start their search at jobcenterofwisconsin.com and to visit their local library for job seeker assistance. A toolkit will be provided for libraries to assist in the marketing campaign.
HPL Staff Member Wins Free Membership to ABOS
Submitted by René Bue, Hedberg Public Library
During National Library Week in April, ABOS (Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services) had their 2nd Annual Virtual Bookmobile Parade. Megan Fisher, the Bookmobile Assistant at Hedberg Public Library (HPL), entered their bookmobile in the parade. In celebration, they raffled off 5 free ABOS memberships, and Megan won one of them! This raffle was for first-time membership registrations only. Megan looks forward to the continuing education and involvement ABOS membership will provide for her in the future, including attending the 2021 Virtual ABOS Conference on October 11 – 15. Congratulations, Megan!
21-day Checkouts Now Available on Audiobooks
The WPLC Digital Library Steering Committee voted to offer audiobook checkouts for loan at 21 days. Previously, audiobooks were only available to checkout 7 or 14 days on Wisconsin’s Digital Library.
Now patrons have the option to check them out for 7, 14, or 21 days! The Committee hopes this will help with users being able to complete audiobooks and not having to renew or put back on hold to finish the books.

Work Search Requirement for Unemployment Benefits – How to Comply
MADISON – In February of this year, the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) published a new Emergency Rule that allowed DWD to continue to waive work searches for people who applied for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits in response to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
State law requires those who are applying for UI benefits to look for suitable jobs and provide information about their work search activities for each week they request benefits. This emergency rule allowed DWD to respond to the spread of COVID-19 by waiving those work searches for thousands of people. The department recognized the burden of the requirement on claimants when many businesses remained closed and job opportunities in certain sectors are still limited in response to the ongoing health and safety impacts of the global pandemic.
The work search requirement was slated to go back into effect July 10, 2021; however, today lawmakers voted to reinstate the requirement on Sunday, May 23rd, meaning that UI recipients are required to look for work to qualify for their benefits roughly seven weeks earlier than expected.

Apply Now: NASA@ My Library
Shared from the WI Libraries For Everyone Blog: Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Public and tribal libraries are invited to apply for NASA@ My Library, a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) education initiative that will increase and enhance STEAM learning opportunities for library patrons throughout the nation, including geographic areas and populations currently underrepresented in STEAM education.
60 public and tribal libraries in the U.S. will be selected through a competitive application process to become NASA@ My Library Partners.
Applications will be accepted from May 17 to July 21. View the project guidelines and apply online. ALA members and nonmembers are encouraged to apply.
NASA@ My Library Partners will receive training and resources to implement NASA events and programming, access to a university subject matter expert (SME) to support patron engagement, and a $1,600 programming stipend to purchase materials for NASA STEAM activities and/or support presentations by local NASA-funded SMEs.
This opportunity is open to public and tribal libraries in the U.S. Priority consideration will be given to libraries in communities with above average populations of demographics underrepresented in STEM education and professions. For more details on priority consideration and eligibility, visit the project guidelines.
The project is offered by the National Center for Interactive Learning (NCIL) at the Space Science Institute (SSI) in partnership with the American Library Association (ALA) Public Programs Office, Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) and Education Development Center (EDC). Support comes from NASA’s Science Mission Directorate as part of its Science Activation program.

Call for Proposals: Wisconsin Library Association Conference
The WLA Programming Committee is now accepting proposals for the 2021 WLA annual conference! The conference will be held in Green Bay from November 16-19 at the KI Convention Center. The Conference already boasts a fantastic lineup of keynote speakers, including Sarah Vowell, Nigel Poor, and Felton Thomas, Jr. Now we invite you to share your expertise and experiences with your colleagues this November.
Over the past year, libraries have dealt with unprecedented challenges and have risen to meet these issues with kindness, perseverance, and creative solutions. Come share your story at the WLA Conference and join trustees, academics, public librarians, special librarians, paraprofessionals and more as we grow together as a profession.
This year’s theme is Back on Track. Use the tracks and hot topics listed below to help shape your proposal. Your proposal does NOT have to line up with a particular track or hot topic. These are suggestions for what the Wisconsin library community wants to learn more about.
Tracks this year include:
Hot Topics we are looking for:
Use this link to submit your proposal: https://www.wisconsinlibraries.org/wla-call-for-proposals

Submit a PLA 2022 Program Proposal!

Submit a PLA 2022 Program Proposal! Deadline is June 21, 2021
PLA is heading to Portland, Oregon for the PLA 2022 Conference, March 23–25! Like the institutions they support, the role of the public library worker is ever-changing. The COVID-19 crisis magnified this more than any of us could have imagined, but public libraries responded swiftly and creatively to meet their communities’ evolving needs. The PLA 2022 Conference will also need to transform in order to provide public library professionals the opportunity to come together in person or virtually to reconnect with one another, reimagine the services they provide, and revitalize their passion for the work they do every day.
While some aspects of the conference may be different due to safety and health protocols, providing high-quality programming remains our top priority. We are seeking proposals for educational sessions that reflect the innovation, creativity, adaptability, and diversity we’ve seen emerge from the public library field in the past year.
Want to be a part of PLA’s renowned educational programming? Submit a proposal and share your idea for a preconference or program. The deadline for submitting proposals is June 21, 2021 at 11:59 PM Eastern.
Before diving in, we encourage you to preview the proposal form and check out our recommendations for developing a great proposal.
Steve Platteter
System Director
Email: platteter.steve@als.lib.wi.us
Tovah Anderson
Public Information Coordinator
Email: Anderson.tovah@als.lib.wi.us