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ALS Circulation and Cataloging Policies and Procedures were developed for the previous Integrated Libary System (Millennium) which operated the RockCat catalog.

Visit for policies pertaining specifically to the new Integrated Library System (Symphony) which operates the SHARE catalog. Training slide decks, SHARE Staff Wiki, SirsiDynix Mentor Learning Platform, and additional training resources are also available through Lakeshores Library System’s “library staff” page. A password is required, contact Lakeshores Library System Office for details – (262) 514-4500.

Download the ALS Circulation Manual

Download the ALS Cataloging Manual

Circulation Policies

I. General Policies

The ALS Shared System Administrator will work with supervisors and/or library directors to determine the authorizations that are to be allowed by the library staff for circulation, cataloging, serials, and acquisitions.

The ALS Shared System Administrator will set the authorizations as recommended by the supervisors and/or library directors. The supervisors will be notified of any changes and are responsible for checking to see that the authorizations are set as requested.

Supervisors and/or library directors will notify the ALS Shared System Administrator of any staff changes that require changes in authorization. This may include changes in staff duties, additions of staff, retirement of staff, or staff no longer employed by the library.

PINs are required for patrons who want to access their accounts online via RockCat to view checked out materials, fines, to place holds, and have “My Reading History” access. PINs are not required to search library holdings in RockCat.

In accordance with the ALS Resource Sharing Policy, member libraries agree to lend all circulating materials to other ALS libraries without restriction. However, the Circulation Committee may allow exceptions for specific types of materials or for specific formats. These exceptions have been formally agreed upon and can be found in Appendix D.

ROCKCAT libraries agree to renew materials owned by other ALS libraries regardless of where they were borrowed. The system calculates the due date according to the owning library’s parameters. Material cannot be renewed if the system indicates there is a hold for another patron. Patrons can also renew items in ROCKCAT if the items are eligible for renewal.


  1. ROCKCAT materials may be returned to any ALS library.
  2. When damaged or incomplete material arrives follow damaged or missing procedure in section VII.

When circulating materials for in-house use, the item must be marked for in-house use and the borrowing library must be notified that the material will be used in house.

Each library can determine if they will have an open holds shelf. If items are placed on an open holds shelf, every effort must be made to remove any patron identity information so that only staff and the patron will recognize that a hold belongs to a specific patron.

Checkouts are unlimited, but individual libraries may limit specific items. DVDs are limited to 15. Holds are limited to 50.

Patrons may reserve or place holds on materials with staff at an ALS library, from an ALS library computer, by calling an ALS library or via the Internet from a remote computer. ALS libraries agree to purchase a copy of materials when demand warrants. The library maintains a 6:1 hold ratio for books, 10:1 for audios, and 15:1 for DVDs. Unlike the three-week loan period for most materials, most DVDs have a one week loan period. The shorter loan period results in a more rapid turn-around time and justifies the higher “hold to purchase” ratio.

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II. Patron Registration and Maintenance Policies

A form of identification is required and must include valid identification and proof of current resident address.

Acceptable forms of identification include but are not limited to: driver’s license, Wisconsin identification card, school identification card, fishing license, check book, bank account, change of address form from post office, credit card bill, and medical bill.

Required Fields
Identification must include: current name, date of birth and valid current resident address. All patrons must supply these to be given a card.

Minor Cards
Libraries will need to verify a minor’s parent/legal guardian. Parent/legal guardian’s name must be put in the Guardian Field in the minor’s record.

According to ALS policy, a resident of a Rock County municipality with a library can have a valid library card from any library in the county, but their Home Library, Patron Agency, PCode 4 and Patron Type should reflect the municipality in which they live. Rock County townships, Footville residents and those residing outside the ALS system boundaries may choose their home library. If the individual has more than one residence, determine which residence is considered the primary residence.

For patrons that do not live in a library’s municipality but own property in that municipality, that library may determine whether or not they will allow these patrons access to their library.

Libraries may issue a local library card to a nonresident who does not qualify for an ALS member library card, e.g., or residents of another state. Local library nonresident cards are not required to be honored by all ALS member libraries.

Each library will make a decision about whether or not to have an expiration date. Libraries can update any patron’s expiration date if expired. Staff should also update current address, phone, patron type if no a longer juvenile card, and other information as necessary. Extend the expiration date for three years.

Patrons may not hold more than one ALS card, with the exception of children with divorced parents. Children with divorced parents may have two cards. The cards must have the same name and clearly indicate “Card 1” and “Card 2” in the name field.

Each library will be responsible for determining who is allowed to merge patron records. The library will then notify the ALS Shared System Administrator to establish the appropriate settings for merging records. Staff without the permissions will not be authorized to merge patron records.

Only the home library may delete a patron record. Each library will be responsible for determining who is allowed to delete patron records.

Patron records with outstanding transactions or stops or blocks shall not be deleted. Outstanding transactions must be cleared before deleting. Place a block on the card and an explanation in the notes field. Library staff creating the note shall put library and personal initials and date of note at the end of the note.

ALS Temporary cards will no longer be issued (May 2015). Libraries can issue their own library card for new patrons that live in another city/village within the system. The issuing library will verify that Pcode 4, Patron Agency, Patron Type and Home Library within the patron record match the municipality in which the patron lives. If a patron moves from one municipality to another, they may keep the card, but all municipality fields need to be reflect the change in address. A form of identification is still required for new patrons and must include valid identification and proof of current resident address.

Library Temporary Cards
Individual libraries may give out temporary cards. These temp cards are honored at other libraries.

ALS libraries may issue Institution cards to schools, staff, business and other organizations. Individual libraries can determine what identification is required, the loan periods and fines. The institution is responsible for any lost or damaged material. ALS libraries may choose to issue Institution cards under the following conditions:

  1. The President, Director, Principal, or individual with signing authority for the institution must sign for the card, agreeing that the institution accepts responsibility for all materials checked out on the card.
  2. The card should be given an expiration date of one year from the date the card is issued. When this card expires, the President, Director, Principal, or signing authority should sign for the card again in order for the card to remain valid.
  3. The use of the card must be for materials which support the institution and not for personal needs.
  4. Bills for any materials checked out on the Institution card must be sent directly to the Institution.


Each library will determine their fines and fees.

Patrons may pay any late fees and replacement costs at any ALS library. Libraries will keep all of the money they collect, no matter who owns or circulated the materials, with the exception of billed or lost items over $10.00. Collection payments can be made at any library. If partial collection payments are made, the collection fee must remain until all the collection amount is paid. All collection fees, with the exception of any replacement fees for that library, should be sent to the collection library. Do not remove collection agency block from the patron record, nor delete the patron record. The record can be deleted after the collection agency record has been updated and block has been removed. Typically 24 hours.

Collection fees should be sent to:
Beloit – Michael DeVries/Nicole Ballok
Clinton – Mary Bieber
Edgerton – Sherry Machones
Eager Free – Megan Kloeckner
Hedberg – Michelle Dennis
Milton – Stacey Schultz
Orfordville – Sarah Strunz

Checks or cash can be sent directly to the receiving library with a completed ALS Lost Item Receipt form. A check can be made out to ALS if the patron owes money to more than one library. Send the check with the ALS Lost Item Receipt form and ALS will send the owning libraries the payment.

Authorized Staff may override blocked checkouts because of overdue fines and fees, with the exception of collection and court accounts.

Authorized library staff will notify the Shared System Administrator of any special promotions to reduce or eliminate fines, such as Food for Fines or amnesty day.

Patrons must contact the owning library of a found item in order to determine if a refund is possible.

Each library will determine the type of notice sent to each patron. Overdue and holds notices may be sent via telephone, e-mail or regular mail to patrons. Billing notices are sent by mail and courtesy notices are sent by e-mail only.

Each library will determine the schedule for sending notices to patrons. Notices will be sent to patrons at a minimum of twice a year.

Each library will determine the wording to appear on fine, bills, holds, courtesy and other notices set to patrons. The supervisors and/or library directors responsible for the notices will notify the ALS Shared System Administrator of any changes to the wording in the notices.

Patrons are denied borrowing and card privileges at all ALS libraries if they have an expired library card; exceed the system limits on late fees/fines, miscellaneous fees and unpaid bills. Authorized Staff may override blocked checkouts because of overdue fines and fees.

Each library may develop their own policies and procedures related to patron behavior. Library staff must put a message on the patron record stating the reason a patron is blocked at their library. Library staff creating the message shall put library, personal initials and date of note at the end of the note. Other ALS library directors and boards may then decide if the patron is also blocked at their library for behavior or other issues.

Libraries will use the banned patron type to identify that a patron has been banned from their library. Staff must add information about the ban in a message in the record as well.

All libraries can make updates to patron records and merge records with the exception of those patrons in collections and court action.

Libraries that use collection agencies can merge accounts, per Patron Home Library Policy (Page 4), so those libraries that do not use a collection agency have a better chance of receiving their billed material. Procedures for receiving payment for billed material should be followed as described in the Fines and Fees Policy (Page 5).

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Circulation Procedures

III. Patron Registration Procedures


  1. Last names with spaces (examples: Van de Heis, La Page) should ideally be entered (VANDEHEIS, LAPAGE) with no spaces.
  2. A last name with an apostrophe (examples: O’Conner, O’Day) should be entered (OCONNER, ODAY) with no space and no apostrophe.
  3. Many people with Hispanic names have two last names. Example of Hispanic Names:
    1. Father: Jorge Santiago Alvarez (Santiago – Father’s last name, Alvarez – Mother’s last Name)
    2. Mother: Maria Garcia Santiago (Garcia – Maiden name, Santiago – Husband’s last name)
    3. Son: Juan Santiago Garcia (Santiago – Father’s last name, Garcia – Mother’s last name)

    Correct way to put in Millennium:

  4. It is recommended that if a patron has a Jr, Sr, I, II, III, etc. that it be written: SMITH JR, JOHN
  5. It is recommended that all CAPITOL letters are used when entering patron names.

Before the patron completes a registration form, inquire if the person is registered at any library in the Arrowhead Library System.

If the patron is registered at more than one Arrowhead library, determine the home library based on residence. If the patron does not have a card, issue the patron a library card and verify that Pcode 4, Patron Agency, Patron Type and Home Library within the patron record match the municipality in which the patron lives.

The lists of patron statistical categories should be consulted when assigning a municipality to a patron record. Generally, a patron record is assigned the municipality for the city, village or township where the patron lives. A municipal resident in a city/village with an ALS library should be assigned the code for the specific jurisdiction where he/she lives. When updating a record, verify that the municipality field (PCode4), Home Library, Patron Agency, and Patron Type all match the same library.

When entering data for the Institution card use the following procedures:

  1. Enter the name of the Institution in the name field.
  2. Enter the address of the Institution in the address field.
  3. Enter the name of the person who has signed for the card.

PINs are required in any action in which the patron is required to validate (e.g. view patron record, place a hold, etc) in RockCat. If the record does not presently contain a PIN, RockCat will ask the patron to enter a new one.

The minimum length of a PIN is set to 3. PINs are created by patrons, but can also be created by staff in Millennium. In RockCat, if there is no PIN in their record, patrons get two prompts. One is for the PIN and the second is for confirmation. Library staff are unable to read the PIN once entered, as it is encrypted in Millennium. Staff may clear a PIN over the phone and in person after verify patron information.

Each library may determine the replacement cost for their library cards.

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IV. General Circulation Procedures

Before creating a patron record, check to see if the patron already has a record in the system. If another record is found that matches the name, the duplicate record will pop up on top of the new patron entry form. When this happens:

  • Check the duplicate record to see if this is the same patron.
  • If you wish to use the old record and stop creating the new record click Use Patron Record.
  • Clicking Use Patron Record will cancel the new record and bring up the existing record.
  • Clicking the Close icon will close the duplicate record and return you to the new record. When you are done entering the information, click the Save/Close icon.


  1. ROCKCAT materials may be returned to any ALS library. To process materials owned by other libraries, check them in. Use the ALS routing slips to route materials to other ALS libraries.
  2. 2. When damaged or incomplete material arrive place a Problem Returned Materials notice. Route the damaged materials to the owning library. Follow the holds procedure if these items have holds.

If a patron claims that they have returned an item a note automatically appears on the patron record. Three active “claims returned” notes are allowed before patrons may be denied card privileges. Staff may mark any ALS libraries’ material as claims returned.

If a library allows on-the fly checkouts, items “not on file” or without barcodes may be checked out. To circulate an on-the-fly item:

  1. Barcode the item, then scan the barcode in patron checkout.
  2. An Item On Fly screen will pop up.
  3. You will be prompted to enter information including:
    1. Item Type
    2. Location Code
    3. Call Number

When the item comes back in, it will pop up as Item-on-fly. Print the message and give to cataloging to process.

Patrons can request ILLs at any library. If there is a problem or abuse of ILLs, a note should be added to the patron’s record.

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V. Fines, Fees and Replacement Costs Procedures


Libraries may use Mark Item Lost when a patron indicates that items were lost/damaged. Using Mark Item Lost generates a bill and gives the item a Lost status. Mark an item lost only if the patron is absolutely sure the item is lost; if they are not sure, ask them to wait to be billed for the item. If marking an item lost, patrons must pay for the item at that point.

If a library collects money before billing for a lost/damaged item owned by another library and there is no price in the item record, contact the owning library to get correct price.

Libraries will keep fees of money they collect, no matter who owns or circulated the materials, with the exception of billed or lost items over $10.00. Checks or cash can be sent directly to the receiving library with a completed ALS Lost Item Receipt form. A check can be made out to ALS if the patron owes money to more than one library. Send the check with the ALS Lost Item Receipt form and ALS will send the owning libraries the payment.

Collection payments can be made at any library. If partial collection payments are made, the collection fee must remain until all the collection amount is paid. All collection fees, with the exception of any replacement fees for that library, should be sent to the collection library.

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VI. Holds Processing Procedures


Loaning material is reciprocal. If you do not accept holds on certain kinds of items, then you should not ask to reserve them. See Appendix D for the list of items and locations of non-circulating material.

High demand items may be given a short loan period. “Short Loan” or “Jackpot” stickers are placed on the item near the barcode label. These stickers are removed by the owning library according to their own policy. Libraries using a short loan period with a special location code will change the location code when the sticker is removed.

Patrons may reserve or place holds on materials with staff at a library facility, from a library facility computer, by calling a library facility or via the Internet from a remote computer. Patrons are allowed to place and cancel holds and change pickup locations in RockCat.

Only Staff will be allowed to place item holds with the exception of items that have a volume field. Patrons will be able to place item level holds on items with a specific volume number in RockCat. The order and priority of holds should not be manipulated.

If a library changes the status of an item to lost or missing and it is the last item available in ROCKCAT then the library will notify the patron using the automated canceled holds option.

When a patron places a hold, RockCat automatically determines the proper level of hold – title or item. Patrons cannot place item holds except on the following:

  • Issues of a magazine
  • Multi-volume sets
  • Items owned by your library that need to be retrieved for technical processing
  • Retrieving a specific item for a patron, such a specific edition of a book.

Only library staff are allowed to place item holds on all other items. When placing holds in Millennium, staff must be careful to choose Copy Returned Soonest unless item fits one of the item hold exceptions.

Materials that are on order may be reserved. If the only copy of the title proves to be unavailable, patrons will be notified by the ordering library.

Multi-part videos that are one bibliographic entity are not all handled the same way. Some are packaged together with one barcode and others are packaged separately with multiple barcodes. When placing holds on multi-part videos/DVDs, place an item hold on the set or individual pieces that are desired. In Millennium, select the item and choose Hold Selected Item.

Items should be checked out to the same patron barcode number that was used in placing the hold. A specific item is trapped to fulfill a hold for a specific patron. Patrons may pick up held materials for family members if they have the library card of the patron who placed the hold.

Each library can prepare their item and title paging lists from the Notices mode of the circulation client. The title paging list should be prepared at least once a day. The item paging list should be prepared at least once a day. Detailed instructions for processing the paging lists can be found in Appendix E.

All materials (with the exception of problem returns) that enter your library should be checked in. When items with holds are checked in, patrons will be notified if the hold is for pickup at your library or another library. See Appendix E for detailed instructions.

If a hold is not picked up by the expiration date, the hold will be cleared and moved to the next patron on the list. Each library will designate staff to look at expired holds for their libraries and take appropriate action if the patron has not picked up a hold in the required time. The hold shelf must be cleared each day your library runs the clear holds notices. Print out the clear hold shelf report and follow the instructions to fill other holds or return items to the other libraries or your library’s shelves. See Appendix E.

If an item has a status of “On Holdshelf” the pickup location cannot be changed. If the patron wants, the hold can be cancelled and replaced. If no other holds exists, the patron may pick the item up at the new requested location. Otherwise, the patron will need to wait until the other holds are fulfilled.

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VII. Missing Parts, Lost Parts, Damaged Items Procedures


Before sending out multi-part material in transit, verify that there are no missing parts. Also check to make sure the correct items are inside and that personal items have not been returned by mistake. Put a message on the item record to indicate that items or parts are missing.

Check for missing parts before putting in transit. Also check to make sure the correct items are inside and that personal items have not been returned by mistake. Put a message on the item record to indicate that items or parts are missing.

Do not check in items with missing parts. If item is checked in, check item back out to patron. Staff can use the Circulation History table to see the previous patrons. Place a Missing Parts note clearly on the item and return material to owning library to the attention of the missing/lost items contact listed below. Owning library will contact patron and advise them of the missing part and bill the patron if necessary. If the missing part has been returned to a library and sent through the delivery, put a note in the record that it has been returned and is in transit.

Missing/Lost Items Contacts:
Beloit – Michael DeVries/Nicole Ballok
Clinton – Mary Bieber
Edgerton – Sherry Machones
Eager Free – Megan Kloeckner
Hedberg – Michelle Dennis
Milton – Stacey Schultz
Orfordville – Sarah Strunz

Do not check in damaged items. If item is checked in, check item back out to patron. Staff can use the Circulation History table to see the previous patrons. Place a Damaged note clearly on the item and return material to owning library. The owning library will contact the patron, advise them of the damage, and bill if necessary.

If item is damaged at the library by library staff, library-owned materials or machines, that library is responsible for reimbursement of the item to the owning library. If an item is damaged at a remote drop box, the owning library is responsible for the damage.

Damage to items/missing parts should be noted on the items so that multiple patrons do not get accused of the same damage. Damage/missing parts can be noted in an Item Message.

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Cataloging Policies

I. Cataloging Policies

The purpose of the Arrowhead Library System Library Collection Expenditure Maintenance Policy is to ensure that each member library of the system maintains a budgeted amount for library materials in the library’s annual budget. Each library’s annual expenditure for library materials will be equal to the average of the last three full years of library materials expenditures. The first year of the agreement, expenditures for materials will be based on the average of the 2004/2005/2006 expenditures in each library. The annual report of the library will be used to determine the three-year average expenditure.

Each library within the ALS shared automation system will develop and update a collection development policy for use by the library.

Adopted by Shared System Committee
November 15, 2006

The ALS Shared System Administrator will work with supervisors and/or library directors to determine the authorizations that are to be allowed by the library staff for circulation, cataloging, and acquisitions.

The ALS Shared System Administrator will set the authorizations as recommended by the supervisors and/or library directors. The supervisors will be notified of any changes and are responsible for checking to see that the authorizations are set as requested.

Supervisors and/or library directors will notify the ALS shared system coordinator of any staff changes that require changes in authorization. This may include changes in staff duties, additions of staff, retirement of staff, or staff no longer employed by the library.

Only authorized staff will be allowed to load records into the system. Before bibliographic records are loaded, the database must first be searched by Title and Standard Number to see if a matching record already exists. If a matching record already exists, staff should attach items to the bibliographic record. If additions/changes need to be made to the existing bibliographic record, staff must follow the ALS Cataloging Standards policy. The exception is to overlay a non-OCLC/SkyRiver record with an OCLC/SkyRiver record.

If a match is found, but only a brief bib record exists, staff will note the bib number and will use the overlay code in field 949 before downloading the record into the system. Example of the code: *ov=.b12345678; 
The asterisk and semicolon are essential and there should be no spaces in the code.

Each library will be responsible for determining who is allowed to transfer attached records. The cataloging supervisors and library directors will notify the ALS Shared System Administrator to establish the appropriate settings for merging records. Staff without the permissions will not be authorized to transfer attached records. Supervisors and Library Directors will be responsible for checking staff permissions to see that they are appropriately assigned.

Required fields (if available) for Creation of New Bibliographic Records:

  • Author (100)
  • Title (245)
  • Standard Number (020, 024, 028) (ISBN, ISSN, Music Number, Publisher number, UPC) 
  • Description (3xx) (Sound Recording, Video Recording, etc.)
  • Edition (250)
  • Call Number
  • Publisher (260/264)

Making Changes to Shared Bibliographic Records:

  • If there are errors in a bib record, users with access should fix the errors. If users are unsure, contact the Shared System Administrator. 
  • All spelling errors and typos can be fixed by anyone. (Keep in mind many contents and other notes have odd spellings and characters). If in doubt, report it to the Shared System Administrator.
  • Anyone outside of the Cataloging Sub Committee should not delete any fields, but may add fields as needed. Duplicate fields will be managed and deleted by the Cataloging Sub Committee and the Authority Control project.

Adding Records
Before adding a record into the system, staff must search by both Standard Number and Title. If Standard Number does not match, but title, publication information, edition and description match, add the Standard Number in a new 020 field and attach the item record to that bibliographic record. Paperbacks are the exception to this. Paperbacks of the same title may be added to the hardcover edition. This includes both regular and large type paperbacks. All added records need to contain the required fields for new bib records as listed above in the Cataloging Standards.

All barcodes are to be placed on the top right half of the back cover of all circulating items.

In order to ensure that ALS libraries continue to receive new, popular items from distributors on a timely basis, we need to ensure that we are following release date restrictions. When items are sent to the libraries by publishers or distributors before their official release date, please observe the following restrictions:

  • Items should not be checked out until their official release date.
  • Items should not be sent in delivery until their official release date.

If changes are needed to the item locations for your library, please notify the ALS System Administrator. Location codes can be deleted, renamed, and new locations can be created if necessary.

The following guidelines should be used when assigning these material types. 

  • Multi-Media – use for video games and other AV materials that do not have their own material type.
  • Kit – use for items with multiple parts (games, toys, books, cds, etc.)
  • 3-D Object – use for toys and games

If a library will be deleting the last copy of an item and holds exist, cancel the hold(s) and queue a hold cancellation notice to be sent. If there are questions about the holds or if a particular library has several patrons with holds, contact the home library to see if they want to purchase a copy.

Last Record Deletion Contacts:
Beloit – Michael Devries, 608-364-2905 or
Clinton – Mary Bieber, 608-676-5569 or
Edgerton – Kirsten Almo, 608-884-4511 or
Eager Free – Megan Kloeckner, 608-882-2260 or
Hedberg – Rebecca Diedrick, 608-758-5816 or
Milton – Stacey Schultz, 608-868-7462 or
Orfordville – Sarah Strunz, 608-879-9229 or

Patron Recommendation/Requests Contacts:
Beloit – Roger Dutcher, 608-364-2897 or
Clinton – Mary Bieber, 608-676-5569 or
Edgerton – Sherry Machones, 608-884-4511 or
Eager Free – Megan Kloeckner, 608-882-2260 or
Hedberg – Rebecca Diedrick, 608-758-5816 or
Milton – Lisa Brooks, 608-868-7462 or
Orfordville – Sarah Strunz, 608-879-9229 or

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Cataloging Procedures

II. Cataloging Procedures

To distinguish the circulating copies from the reference copy assign a status “o” to the reference copy. This will display “REFERENCE” which is a clear indicator to the patron that it is non-circulating.

Locate the bibliographic records. If there are tags or information that needs to be retained and moved from the source bibliographic record to the destination, the information must be manually transferred.

  1. Once any bibliographic tags have been added click the Edit button of the source bibliographic record.
  2. Click on Edit in the Menu bar and select Transfer Attached.
  3. You will be prompted to locate a destination bibliographic record.
  4. Search and select the destination bibliographic record.
  5. Once you have transferred the attached records you will be asked if you want to delete the source bibliographic record.

The following fields must be retained in the destination bibliographic record. If any one of these fields exists only in the source record, they must be manually put in the destination record:

020, 024, 028, 040, 049, 100, 245, 246, 250, 260, 264 any 300, 440, 490, any 500, any 600, any 700.

There are two different procedures for deleting items that are not checked out. Note: an item with holds can not be deleted. You must first cancel the hold(s) to delete the item.

1. Batch Deletion: Change the status of an item record to d for discard

a. This will generate a popup notification on check in that the status is discard. It will also prevent these items from appearing on the paging lists.

b. A list can later be run of all of your items with this status and then from that review file, they can be batch deleted.

2. Individual Deletion: In the Summary View of an item, click on the item to be deleted and click the delete button.

a. This will remove the item completely from the system.


When cataloging television series the title should be the name of the TV show followed by the season, spelled out, in subfield “n”. Example: 245|The Addams Family. |n Season one
If the title is modified, the original title needs to be added as a 246 field. If a bib is downloaded with other added titles, they do not need to be removed.

Cataloging Standards

Standards for Cataloging recommended by the ALS Cataloging Sub Committee

Required fields (if available) for Creation of New Bibliographic Records:

  • Author (100)
  • Title (245)
  • Standard Number (020, 024, 028) (ISBN, ISSN, Music Number, Publisher number, UPC) 
  • Description (300) (Sound Recording, Video Recording, etc.)
  • Edition (250)
  • Call Number
  • Publisher (260)

Making Changes to Shared Bibliographic Records:

  • If there are errors in a bib record, users with access should fix the errors. If users are unsure, contact the Shared System Administrator. 
  • All spelling errors and typos can be fixed by anyone. (Keep in mind many contents and other notes have odd spellings and characters). If in doubt, report it to the Shared System Administrator.

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