Monthly Memo Newsletter | April 2022
Monthly Circulation Statistics
Total Circulations in March 2022
- Traditional: 77,274 83%
- OverDrive/Libby: 11,544 12%
- Hoopla Digital: 4,857 5%
ALS & Rock County Team Up to Offer Business Plan Development Kits
Wednesday, April 27, 2022 – Rock County, Wis – Rock County and Arrowhead Library System have teamed up to provide small business planning kits, available for checkout at all seven Rock County public libraries. These Small Business Chrome Kits include a Chromebook, mobile Internet hotspot, case, and free access to LivePlan business and sustainability software.
This American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funded collaboration is aimed at supporting the economic growth of Rock County by eliminating technological barriers, such as access to computers and Internet service, and by providing professional business planning resources to local entrepreneurs.
“When we were looking at how to best apply the county’s ARPA funding, we realized many Rock County residents would benefit from the availability of more computer equipment and Internet access, whether it’s for small business planning, job searching, or online education,” said Rock County Supervisor Genia Stevens, one of the County Board members responsible for initiating the project.
Forty-eight Small Business Chrome Kits are now available for check-out through Rock County’s public libraries. A free library card is needed to check out a kit. It is easy to get a library card, bring a photo ID and proof of address (like a bill) to any Rock County public library. They’ll ask a few questions about contact information and notification preferences and you’ll have a card in-hand in under 10 minutes.
Other local resources include the Rock County Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and COVID-19 grant/loan funding for small business and nonprofits. The SBDC can provide a range of no-cost, confidential and customized consulting and related technical assistance for emerging entrepreneurs, small businesses and nonprofits too. In addition to this technical assistance, the SBDC can also help guide and/or prepare applicants for local COVID-19 relief funding. For more details, visit
Arrowhead/Lakeshores System Merger Exploration Update
May Meeting Agenda and Materials Now Available
The agenda for the Joint Merger Exploration Committee May Meeting (May 2, 1:30-3:30 PM) has been posted to the Google Drive folder. DIRECT LINK HERE
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 852 3334 9509
Passcode: 231380
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Please email the committee at your questions, comments, and input. It is always welcome. You can also keep an eye on this blog and emails from each system for updates on the exploration committee and its work.
Websites You May Wish to Bookmark
What You Need to Know
- All meetings follow Open Meeting protocol. You are welcome to attend and share your public comment.
- All information regarding the committee and the exploration process can be found at the merger committee’s blog and the merger Google Drive.
- Questions? Feel free to reach out to your system director or email the committee at:
Submit Your Program Proposal for WLA 2022!
The deadline for Program Submission is Monday, May 9, 2022.
The theme for this year’s conference is “Rising to the Challenge” and we would like you to share your stories of how you’ve overcome obstacles, collaborated with your communities and how you’ve not just survived but thrived despite the challenges of the past few years and how you’re preparing for future challenges. We’d also like to continue the important conversations around diversity and inclusivity, staffing, fundraising, advocacy and cultivating connections. We’d like you to consider the big picture but also encourage you to share your practical and effective strategies and inspiring projects from your corner of the library world.
Proposals for presentations, panels, and workshops are welcome. Sessions will run 45 minutes in length (with a limited number of 90 minutes sessions available) and with a maximum of four presenters.
Submit your proposal via this link by May 9, 2022.
ALA’s State of America’s Libraries Report 2022
In 2021, libraries of all types stepped up to meet the needs of their communities as they responded to the impacts of a second year of the global pandemic. Library staff in every state faced an unprecedented number of attempts to ban books. ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom tracked 729 challenges to library, school, and university materials and services in 2021, resulting in more than 1,597 individual book challenges or removals. Most targeted books were by or about Black or LGBTQIA+ persons. Read more about the Top Ten Most Challenged Books of 2021 and libraries’ response to the pandemic in the State of America’s Libraries Special Report: Pandemic Year Two.
Click here to read the report.
ALA Launches Readers’ Initiative to Fight Censorship
On Monday, April 4, 2022, the American Library Association launched Unite Against Book Bans, a national initiative to empower readers everywhere to stand together in the fight against censorship.
Why? Simply put, book bans harm communities.
Students cannot access critical information to help them understand themselves and the world around them. Parents lose the opportunity to engage in teachable moments with their kids. And communities lose the opportunity to learn and build mutual understanding.
Recent polling confirms that large majorities of voters and parents oppose book bans in public and school libraries, and they have overwhelmingly favorable opinions of public and school libraries. We must join with others and raise our voices together to convey these messages.
Please join us by visiting Unite Against Book Bans and spreading the word to your networks.
Steve Platteter
System Director
Tovah Anderson
Public Information Coordinator