Who should attend?
All public library staff who may be asked to provide assistance to patrons who are job seeking.
What is LAWDS?
The Libraries Activating Workforce Development Skills (LAWDS) project brings together public library staff with the staff of regional Workforce Development Boards (WDB), and Wisconsin Job Centers, to facilitate more seamless support of job-seeking patrons, business owners, and entrepreneurs.
What else is coming?
There will be a statewide digital marketing campaign late summer or fall encouraging Wisconsin job seekers to start their search at jobcenterofwisconsin.com and to visit their local library for job seeker assistance. A toolkit will be provided for libraries to assist in the marketing campaign.
Training Modules
LAWDS Training Module 1:
Local Workforce Development and Public Libraries
LAWDS Training Module 2:
Job Center of Wisconsin
LAWDS Training Module 3:
Unemployment Insurance
LAWDS Training Module 4:
Labor Market Information