The Wisconsin Valley Library Service, Northern Waters Library Service and Southwest Wisconsin Library System are proud to present a webinar series this October called “Marketing the Value of Your Library.”
Webinars will be presented at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 1; Tuesday, Oct. 15 and Tuesday, Oct. 29. This series is geared toward public libraries of all sizes, with presentations by some of the top library marketers in the country. These three webinars are related and sequentially will build on one another.
Register today for one, two, or all three webinars. Each webinar is worth 1 contact hour toward public library certification.
How (and Why) to Do a Simple External Communications Audit
Tuesday, Oct. 1; 1 pm
Presented by: Kathy Dempsey
1 contact hour
The way you communicate with the outside world has a lot to do with how people perceive not only your own library, but all other libraries as well. It affects usage, reputation, brand, and even funding.
Since most libraries create their fliers, bookmarks, posters, web pages, social media posts, brochures, etc. as they’re needed, they usually don’t look at them as a whole. This webinar will lay out the steps to perform an external communications audit so you can clearly see the big picture. Then it will recommend how to make your message and branding consistent, which can elevate your library’s place in its community.
This process is very scalable; libraries large and small can get visible results. Whether you give this project a month or just an hour, you can make your communications more visible and impactful.
Creating Compelling Copy – aka Persuasive Writing and How to Effectively Tell Your Library’s Story
Tuesday, Oct. 15; 1 pm
Presented by: Jennifer Burke
1 contact hour
Librarians are masters of stories, but are we as good as we could be at telling our own story? We know that people respond enthusiastically to stories, more so than statistics, numbers, or dry facts. Marketing is just a form of storytelling, using some consumer psychology and persuasive language. Creating marketing messages is different than writing a news article, or a personal blog post. Marketing is about inspiring action. So how can your words inspire your library’s audience to take the action you want? You don’t have to be a master marketer or copywriter to take advantage of best practices that can apply to all the forms your message may take – from social media posts to speaking with community stakeholders.
Learn some of the ‘tried-n-true’ copywriting hacks and formulas that have driven years of success in the marketing world. Learn to share messages that matter and the stories that will resonate with your community. Tell your library’s many stories in ways that connect and inspire action.
Effective Messaging for Library Support
Tuesday, Oct. 29; 1 pm
Presented by: Patrick Sweeney
1 contact hour
The language and messages that we use to express the value of librarianship are only effective if we understand who we’re speaking to. Unfortunately we have little or no data on effective messages that activates library supporters. Even worse is that we have little knowledge about the demographic make-up of library supporters. However, if we want our advocacy to be efficient and effective, we have to reach the right people, at the right time, with the right message. That means working with local small and big data, segmenting and creating audiences, as well as testing messages to gauge effectiveness against measurable results.
The best part is that is it doesn’t have to cost you anything to increase the effectiveness of your advocacy! Even small and rural libraries with little to no marketing budgets can implement the strategies that will be explored in this webinar. We’ll especially look at how to find free or inexpensive local data, and build and deploy messages to increase their effectiveness, and build local support for our libraries with limited staff.