Leading with Compassion Webinar
Thursday, August 2, 2018
10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Presented by: Dominic Frandrup, Director
Antigo Public Library
.5 CE Credits
It takes leadership to be gentle and kind. How do we balance these qualities without being a pushover? Loosely based on the WAPL Conference keynote address by Lance Werner, this webinar will discuss the art of authentic leadership. Learn how to build trust and confidence with your staff and community by being consistent, positive and caring. We will also shed light on using patience and clear expectations to manage change and respond to patron needs.
Dominic worked for the Waupaca Public Library for sixteen years as Reference Librarian and Assistant Director before becoming Director at Antigo Public Library. He originally became a librarian because people told him he could “read all day”, but wishes he would have asked just what he would be “reading all day” before he received his Master’s degree from SLIS at UW-Madison. He enjoys biking, running and helping others find answers.